Instructor Ryan Talbott
Instructor Brian Jackson
PLTW Engineering is more than just another high school engineering program. It is about applying science, technology, engineering, and math through a project-based, hands-on approach to solve complex,
open-ended problems in a real-world contest. Students focus on the process of defining and solving problem, not on getting the “right” answer. They learn how to apply STEM knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to make the world a better place through innovation.
PLTW students say that PLTW Engineering influenced their post-secondary decisions and helped shape their future, PLTW students are shown to study engineering and other STEM disciplines at a rate significantly higher than their non-PLTW peers.
Even for students who do not plan to pursue engineering after high school, the PLTW Engineering program provides opportunities to develop highly transferable skills in critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving, which are relevant for any coursework or career.
To complete the PLTW Engineering program students will take a math and science course each year as well as: Intro to Engineering Design 9th, Principles. of Engineering 10th, Civil Engineering & Architecture, 11th or Digital Electronics and Engineering Design & Development 12th.
GRADE 9, 10 (1 CREDIT)
Academy: Industrial & Engineering Technology
Pathway: Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Prerequisite: Passing grade in Algebra I or concurrently enrolled in Algebra I.
Students dig deep into the engineering design process, applying math, science, and engineering standards to hands-on projects. They work both individually and in teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using 3-D modeling software and use an engineering notebook to document their work. IED gives students the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of course concepts through activity, project, and problem-based (APPB) learning. Used in combination with a teaming approach, APPB learning challenges students to continually hone their interpersonal skills, creative abilities, and problem solving skills based upon engineering concepts. Students will develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge or research and design to create solutions to various challenges that increase in difficulty throughout the course. The course assumes no previous knowledge, but students should be concurrently enrolled in college preparatory mathematics and science.
Academy: Industrial & Engineering Technology
Pathway: Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics.
Prerequisite: Must have passing grade in Introduction to Engineering Design (IED).
Principles of Engineering (POE) is a course of engineering, exposing students to some of the major concepts that they will encounter in a postsecondary engineering course of study. Students have an opportunity to investigate engineering and high tech careers. POE gives students the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of course concepts through activity, project and problem-based (APPB) learning. Used in combination with a teaming approach, APPB learning challenges students to continually hone their interpersonal skills, creative abilities, and problem solving skills, based upon engineering concepts. It also allows students to develop strategies to enable and direct their own learning, which is the ultimate goal of education. Dual credit is an option through MSU/West Plains for EGR 110.
GRADE 11,12 (1 CREDIT)
Academy: Industrial & Engineering Technology
Pathway: Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Prerequisite: Completed and passed Introduction to Engineering and Principles of Engineering.
From smartphones to high definition televisions, digital circuits are all around us. This course provides a foundation for students who are interested in electrical engineering, electronics, or circuit design. Students study topics such as combinational and sequential logic and are exposed to circuit design tools used in industry, including logic gates, integrated circuits, and programmable logic devices. Students who have not taken Introduction to Engineering and Principles of Engineering will need instructor/administrator permission to enroll.
Academy: Industrial & Engineering Technology
Pathway: Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Prerequisite: Passing grade in IED & POE
Civil Engineering and Architecture is the study of the design and construction of residential and commercial building projects. The course includes an introduction to many of the varied factors involved in building design and construction including building components and systems, structural design, stormwater management, site design, utilities and services, cost estimation energy efficiency, and careers in the design and construction industry.
Civil Engineering and Architecture is one of five specialization courses in the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) high school pre-engineering program. The course applies and concurrently develops secondary level knowledge and skills in mathematics, science, and technology.
Academy: Industrial & Engineering Technology
Pathway: Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Prerequisite: Passing grades in IED, POE, CEA, or DE.
The knowledge and skills students acquire throughout PLTW Engineering come together in EDD as students identify an issue and then research, design, and test a solution, ultimately presenting their solution to a panel of practicing engineers. Students apply the professional skills they have developed to document a design process, and they complete EDD ready to take on any post-secondary program or career.