Culinary Arts

Instructor, Michelle Brinkley



GRADE 9, 10 (½ CREDIT)
Academy: Human Services
Pathway: Hospitality & Tourism
Prerequisite: Passing grade in Introduction to Foods and instructor approval.
Experience a variety of foods prepared from a cultural and ethnic viewpoint. This semester class will focus on the cultural development and preparation techniques of cuisines around the world. As part of this class you will learn to prepare regional cuisine of the United States, Europe, and Mediterranean countries, the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

GRADE 9, 10 (½ CREDIT)
Academy: Human Services
Pathway: Hospitality and Tourism
This is an introductory course to the art of cooking. This class is a prerequisite to Nutrition and Wellness, International Foods, and Restaurant Management courses: you will need to maintain a C average in this class to be considered for those courses. Through this course you will learn the basics of safety and sanitation, nutrition, equipment, careers, and reading recipes.
You will be learning about the basics of culinary arts through the use of text, research with the internet, and through practical activities which will be performed through food labs. Sanitation and safety are necessary to the success in the food lab along with participation. Each person will be required to participate with a small group of your peers in the food labs. All will have specific tasks that will need to be accomplished for all to succeed.

GRADE 9, 10 (½ CREDIT)
Academy: Human Services
Pathway: Hospitality & Tourism
Prerequisite: Passing grade in Introduction to Foods and instructor approval.
Like to eat ? Need to gain or lose weight: Then this class will help you to understand the principles of nutrition; the relationship of nutrition to health and well-being; the selection, preparation, care of food. This will teach you to get the most from your food dollar. This class does include food preparation labs.

+=CULINARY ARTS I (PROSTART I) (Dual Credit) (HC6583)

GRADE 11, 12 (3 ½ CREDITS)
Academy: Human Services
Pathway: Hospitality & Tourism
Prerequisite: Application and approval by instructor.
The class prepares students for employment in the service industry. We will practice sanitation, demonstrate safety, prepare and store food, learn to serve guests. Prepare sauces, fruits and vegetables and develop leadership through Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and SkillsUSA. This program is sponsored by the National Restaurant Association for High school juniors or seniors. Dual credit through Missouri State University/West Plains HRA 210 & 218.

Academy: Human Services
Pathway: Hospitality & Tourism
Prerequisite: Application and approval by instructor.
The class is a continuation of Pro Start 1 Students will receive advanced training in the food-service industry, economics, and practice sanitation, demonstrate safety. This class includes the culinary arts aspects of the industry with focuses on restaurant management and job training, we focus on cost control; baking, working with meat, fish and poultry. The curriculum is designed by the National Restaurant Association and includes a NRA certification. Dual credit through Missouri State HRA 321.


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