Board Filing and Qualifications

Qualifications of office are as follows:

  1. Citizen of U.S.
  2. A resident taxpayer of the school district.
  3. Must have resided in Missouri for one year preceding election.
  4. Must be twenty-four years of age.

Senate Bill 380 requires that all school board members initially elected or appointed after August 28, 1993 complete 16 hours of orientation and training. For more information contact Superintendent Dr. David Schmitz at 417-532-9141.

Complete Board Member Qualifications

Pursuant to law, members of the Board of Education must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Be citizens of the United States of America.
  • Be resident taxpayers of the Lebanon R-III School District. A "taxpayer" is an individual who has paid taxes to the state or any subdivision thereof within the immediately preceding 12-month period, or the spouse of such individual.
  • Have resided in Missouri for a minimum of one year immediately preceding their election or appointment.
  • Be at least 24 years of age.
  • Be eligible to hold office in accordance with Missouri law, including § 561.021, RSMo.
  • While holding office, not be serving a sentence or period of probation for a felony in Missouri or for a crime that would be a felony if committed in Missouri.
  • Have never pled guilty or nolo contendere nor been convicted under Missouri law or the law of another jurisdiction of a felony connected with the exercise of the right of suffrage.
  • Not be registered or required to be registered as a sex offender pursuant to Missouri law, §§ 589.400 - .425, RSMo.
  • Have filed all required campaign disclosure reports for all previous elections in which they were candidates and have paid all fees assessed against them by the Missouri Ethics Commission, if applicable.

All Board members should have a knowledge of and an interest in the welfare and educational opportunities of students. More information about being a board member can be found in policy BBBA.

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