R3-10 Facility Master Plan
The Lebanon School Board has approved the District’s next long-term facility plan (referred to as the R3-10 Plan), which heralds an exciting new era for Lebanon Schools! It also provides an opportunity for our community to reflect on the tremendous progress our district has made with our facilities over the past decade, from a consistent maintenance budget provided through Proposition Lebanon Schools to the construction of Lebanon Middle School.
The plan maps out a projection of the District’s next large-scale facility projects based on an assessment of needs and community feedback.
“We have to have a plan in order to have a vision or road map of where we want to go,” said Assistant Superintendent Dr. Brad Armstrong. “But, this is projected and ultimately it’s up to future boards and voters.” These projects will each go before community voters to be funded through no-tax-increase ballot measures. These future ballot measures would NOT increase annual taxes, but simply extend the current tax rate.
The first project in the approved plan is Phase One includes additions and renovations at Maplecrest Elementary, Boswell Elementary and Lebanon High School, which will provide much needed space and will move students from outdated and aging classrooms to safer and modern learning spaces.
R3-10 Facility Master Plan Document

The Background:
Kristi Beattie from SAPP Design Architects presented the updated R3-10 Facility Master Plan in December 2022. The purpose of the original R3-10 Plan, completed in 2013, was to identify the best way to accommodate growth in the school district and renovate aging facilities that no longer meet DESE standards. ‘R3’ represents the District protecting public investments through repairing, renovating or replacing resources to maximize learning for all students! ‘10’ represents a ten year learning environment vision, updated annually. Sapp Design Architects was contracted to update the District Facilities R3-10 Master Plan. The purpose of the plan is to re-evaluate the current utilization of educational spaces and campus layouts, taking into consideration projected future changes in enrollment. The plan is also intended to re-evaluate the existing conditions of the facilities.
The Process:
The primary objective of this master plan update was to determine the most educationally-effective and resource-efficient way to accommodate the students, teachers and administrators. The process was focused on that goal throughout. The process was initiated with a review of the demographic nature of the Community and District. Analysis of the facilities was also conducted to promote a safe, secure and comfortable environment for all involved. Growth was projected, program needs were assessed, and planning schemes were developed and coupled with funding options in order to achieve a logical and affordable planning solution.
Several alternative directions were developed, and presented in the updated plan. From these, Sapp Design Associates Architects, the Lebanon R-III School District School Board, with input and direction from community, faculty, and students - have determined the most effective scenario.