Gifted students exist within each ethnic, geographic, and socioeconomic group. In order to achieve at levels that are proportionate with their advanced abilities, instruction must extend beyond the scope of regular academic curricula. These students require appropriate interventions and differentiated instruction. The Lebanon R-3 Talented and Gifted (TAG) program is designed to inspire a passion for learning through positive relationships, personalized experiences, and a focus on the future for all students. This is reflected by curricular offerings designed to promote challenge and stimulate learning for the gifted student.
The TAG program curriculum incorporates skill areas into units and/or courses of study which address the appropriate Missouri Learning Standards. Curriculum is differentiated to accommodate, and account for, a students’ areas of strength. The areas of the TAG curriculum focus are: (1) Cognitive Skills (2) Learning Skills (3) Research and Reference Skills (4) Communication Skills and (5) Affective Skills.