Important Updates and Upcoming Dates
Monday, July 24th: Teacher Placement Emails for grades Pre-K through 5th
Tuesday, August 1st: School Offices Re-Open
Tuesday, August 1st: Online Registration opens for 2023-24 school year
Saturday, August 5th: Free Store Ministry Back-to-School Fair hosted at Lebanon Middle School (9am-2pm)
August 7th-10th: LHS Schedule Pickup days
August 8th-9th: LMS 7th and 8th Grade Schedule Pickup days
August 10th: LHS Freshman Orientation
August 15th: 6th Grade Orientation and Schedule Pickup
August 17th: Early Childhood/Parents as Teachers Open House (5-7pm) at new Early Childhood Center
2020 Evergreen Parkway
August 17th: Elementary Open House Night for Esther, Maplecrest and Boswell (5-7pm)
August 21st: First Day of 2023-24 School Year!